Monday, October 10, 2011

teachers are dumb

okay, so i know it's been a while. i've been busy what can i say? high school has been so good for me. just being able to break away a little bit from my past life.
so i have decided that teachers are idiots. just because they have a degree doesnt mean anything! seriously, in my world civ class we are talking about religions. well we are talking about what Buddhists believe. they believe in karma. sorrow comes to you because you were too attached. so my teacher looks directly at me and says "so if you have had a loved one pass away it's because you were too attached to them." the man is practically telling me that it's my fault that my father died! idiots. just plain ol' idiots.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

high school!!!!!!!!!!

hey peeps. so I'm in high school now! and oh my goodness i cant tell you what a relief it is to get out of Jr. high. the classes are nice, the boys are hot, the food is semi good, and i have a lot more friends than i ever imagined. i always see myself as the loner kid who is in the middle of a huge crowd but she's all alone. that's how i used to see myself. i look around now and i cant go a minute without people hugging me or just saying hi, and boys flirt with me which boosts my self esteem higher. i feel so much better about myself here. I'm getting good grades and that is an improvement over last year. oh and i really like my teachers a lot. well that's all for now. bye!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

One more week of school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! holy crap! i am soooooooo happy. you have no idea. hopefully good grades, no more homework, and just ready to party it up!

So i am writing a book! i have no idea what i am naming it, but the people who have read it so far have said that it's awesome! i'm really happy about that 'cause when i get done with it i'm thinking about sending it in to publisher. what do you think? should i?

so ready for summer. i'm just planning on having the greatest time ever. the family and i are thinking of going to yellowstone( can you believe i've never been???), we are also going to Indiana to visit family. oh, and the topper on the cake...............................................................................................................................................................
.....................................................................................I'M GOING TO CHINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! isn't that just insane?!?!?!?! going to Beijing, can't wait!! i'm soooooooo stoked!!!!

i am going to highschool now! ( wow, i'm using a lot of exlamation points. i'm just so dang happy though!) i can't believe that one honestly. new school, new people, a whole new sense of being lost. ah man, and dances, and boys!!!! hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! oh geeze, i sound boy crazy, truly, i am not. i hate drama. :( it's just bad for the soul ( you have to say that out loud with your best hippy voice). heehee!

loves you all! and i lover (insert name here) too!!!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

sore :(

ugh i am so sore!!!! i took weight lifting for P.E and oh my goodness i can hardly walk! a few days ago i literally couldnt walk cause after P.E i was sitting down for so long. so i stand up after class and my legs give out. so my friends comes over and he gives me a piggy-back-ride to lunch. i love my friends:) (especially cute guy friends ;) ) haha, but i seriously hate my P.E teacher. he is such a @#&*! kidding, he's alright i guess. is it sad that when we lift im happy? ya it's true, i hate squats and mountain climbers and UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need a massage, that's all i have to say.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


i hate beimg sick. its the worst and i have had strep for the past six days. i will take your pitty now. but seriously, i am so dang bored!!! my phone broke so there is contact between me and my friends, i bet they think i died. i dont get cable so i have like two channels on my tv, and no computer! i am writting this on my kindle. and i now you are thinking "isnt a kindle just like a computer though?" its not, cant play games no video just typing for sarah. plus im kinda sick of reading for once. oh well. ugh!!!! can someone come save me? dude, kelsie, i miss you sooooooooooooo much babe. we really need to do somethin. i would call you if my fricken phone wasnt broken!!!!!!!!!!!!! love ya:)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

you know, life is okay. like seriously i hate my life a lot, but after i talked to my friend Kennedy, i felt like everything was better. i seriously love that chic(sis!) i have prayed for the first time in six months, and i dont know why i stoped. i feel like maybe, just maybe, i can start forging God. i know he hasnt done me wrong, but my heart just needs to accept that. *sigh*, cant believe it, on the 15th it will have been six months. well, happy valentines day, love ya all!!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

okay technology is absolutely amazing. so for christmas i got a brand kindle. when i got it i thought oh cool i can read books on it and yadda yadda yadda. but i can actually go online with it. in fact this post i am writting from my kindle right now! isnt that awesome? so now i could be at like a burger king and be updating the blog. all right well its really weird to practically texting the blog on my kindle so..... peace out girl scout.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


i thought that this video was gonna be something sad, but it turned out to be really good. i have made myself a copy of the words to keep with me. the lyrics really spoke to me. i have missed out on so many things that i wanted to say people, now the moments gone and i regret it. i have cried, screamed, and cursed at things and words i lost when the time passed. i was one day too late and didnt get to tell my friends and family how much i love them, how dearly i held them to my heart, and how much i will miss them. even the next second might be too late, so speak up when you want to tell somebody something. i know not many will read this, but please, please, share this with someone you care about. make sure they understand that this moment, this very second, is most precious. we take life for granted, we take the very minutes we breathe for granted. i want to do better, i want to make life a little sweeter, and i want to see the sunshine; like really see it, see the rays and the way it lights up our sky in the many different colors at various times of day; dawn, dusk, and the midnight sky. look around, see the beauty. tell your friends that you care for them very much, tell your family that you need them, with all your heart and soul, tell them that without them you wouldnt be who are and what God wants you to be. hear the song, read the words, and open your heart. for many people my time to tell them these things is gone. it may or may not be the same for some of you, so tell all that you love, tell all in general. dont just tell your friends and family, tell those people that really irk you, the ones that @#!*% you off so bad. tell them................................ tell them im sorry, because a lot of the time they dont understand why they bug you. tell them you're sorry and tell them that they have a friend. we cant go back in time. we cant fix everything, no matter how hard we try. so stop looking back, start looking forward! look for those who need your help, look forward to happy things life. because no matter how well you've convinced yourself that life absolutely sucks, you're wrong. stop sinking, unfurl your wings and fly in that beautiful sky. soar to heaven and feel the sun warm your skin as you smile. there is always, always, time for you to live your life.
okay sorry, but the video didnt post so just go to youtube and look up "one day too late" by skillet. (man, i really like skillet dont i?)